Russia will Lease a New Airfield in Syria to Counter Possible US Attacks. UU.

Russia is negotiating with Damascus the lease of a military airfield in the city of Qamishli. Russia is supposed to deploy its Middle East missile control center there to counter possible US attacks.

Washington can deploy missiles in the territory of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and other countries in the region.

The presence of air defense and missile defense systems in Qamishli will allow Russia to intercept US missiles long before they reach Russian territory, reports the news agency Avia.Pro.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights was the first to publish information on lease negotiations between Russia and Syria. Moscow has not commented yet.

Currently, the Russian military contingent in Syria is deployed at Khmeimimim air base. Recently, the number of drone attacks against the air base has increased considerably.

In early 2019, about 60 drones were destroyed during an attempt to approach Russian military facilities in Syria.

Russia’s advanced S-400 air defense batteries at the Khmeimimim Air Base in Syria have been quietly “deactivated,” according to Russian military sources and publications. This has not been officially confirmed or denied. A source said that today,  not a single S-400 is operational anywhere in Syria.

Three months ago, DEBKAfile military sources quoted the Syrian military as reporting that the Russian S-400 stationed outside the important Syrian military complex of Masyaf in the west had been “deactivated,” indicating the closure of their radar systems.

Our sources point out that, although the Russian air defense systems S-300 and S-400 have been deployed in Syria over the past four years, they have never been used against attacks organized by the Israeli Air Force against Iranian military targets.

However, despite the coordination and understandings forged between Russia and Israel, Israeli air crews have always taken into account the presence of these advanced weapons each time they flew into Syrian airspace.

Does IRGC of Iran train at a Russian air base in Syria?



Source: Israelnoticias